Rahul Hoare

india-clip-art-india_flag_mapRahul is analytical and a team player. His initial passion for coding got him interested to pursue an undergraduate degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering where he learned both more about electronics and about the implementation of codes. During his final year, while interacting with friends who were working, he got interested in the 2000px-flag_map_of_the_united_arab_emirates-svgoperations aspect of a company.  He got himself admitted into Institute of Management Technology, Dubai, UAE to learn more about the managerial aspect of a company. During his course, case studies and discussions regarding logistics and operations of multiple companies further fueled his curiosity to learn more about the supply chain aspect.


During the last few months of his first year in his MBA degree, he got the chance to apply for a dual degree. Currently he is pursing his Masters in Global Logistics at W.P.Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, USA.

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